This past month, I started a coaching course to help me focus on a few things and redirect some of my goals.  One of the exercises I completed talked about what I’ve accomplished in my life over the past year.
It struck me funny, because I feel like our culture is so groomed to look at the awards, and the epic accolades that get us write ups and plaques, but do we really take a pause that often to look at all those triumphs we accomplished where the only one who realizes it was a milestone, is us?
So as I sat there with my steaming cup of Earl Grey, my diffuser billowing a lovely citrus blend, and my pen in hand, I started at January 1, and gradually worked towards my current date, taking stock of the many things I, and my family, have accomplished that anyone outside of me may not view it as a win.  To me though, it’s MY win.

I’ll add up the birthday, the time I had on a long weekend with my kids, the anniversary my husband and I celebrated, and continue on towards facing down another Christmas with my family and having a sweet moment of reflection and taking stock as we head into another year.
This year, my family has been blessed.  Sure, we’ve had our hurdles, battles, and challenges just like anyone, but when you weight it all out and put the good, bad and ugly into columns, damn…..we did a-okay.
So instead of looking into some resolution that gets tossed out in a few weeks, how about this for a change.  I challenge you to take stock in your 2022 and celebrate the wins and challenge yourself to take time to celebrate each of those in 2023!
So, put down the phone and savor the moment, eat the cake, and have that glass of champagne!  Life is too short to not stop and revel in each triumphant moment, big or small.

Cheers, and Happy New Year!

Interested in learning more?  Reach out via the Contact Me form, or visit my Zen Amongst Chaos Oil Page.

Disclaimer: I am a certified aromatherapist, not a Board-certified Doctor or Veterinarian.  All recommendations are based off my training as an aromatherapist and should not be a replacement for a medical doctor or veterinarian.