Kona was normal for the first few days of their trek to the DFW metroplex to visit family,  and as a Golden Retriever, she was thrilled for all the additional attention, and snuggles.  As they neared their return home, Melissa noticed she was very fidgety, agitated by the lump on her derrière, and was biting at it and licking constantly.  To get additional insight, we connected via Face Time.  With my questions answered I determined we were looking at an infection of her anal gland sac. 

After a bit of research I developed a plan of attack to help poor Kona get some much needed relief.  It’s amazing to see how much an impact a natural essential oil treatment can have, when it addresses the needs of the body. The protocol we leverages is as follows:

We used a 10mL dilution for topical treatment leveraging 3 drops each of OnGuard, Copaiba, Myrrh, and Roman Chamomile.  That was placed into a veggie cap and given to her orally twice a day.  Warm compresses with Roman Chamomile diluted into warm water were also used topically to help ease discomfort. 

After a couple of weeks, it returned to a flat surface, but still had a bit of a knot as though an injury was there.  To put her mind at ease, she went to the vet, only to receive the same diagnosis.

The awesome bit about this situation, was to see how much of an impact these oils can have in helping to address the needs of the body – whether animal or human.  Kona’s back to fighting form, and no longer annoyed by the sensitivity and pain of her infection.

Interested in learning more?  Reach out via the Contact Me form, or visit my Zen Amongst Chaos Oil Page.



Disclaimer: I am a certified aromatherapist, not a Board-certified Doctor or Veterinarian.  All recommendations are based off my training as an aromatherapist and should not be a replacement for a medical doctor or veterinarian.